Project 3



j('span b').append(" BCE");

j('h1').append(", Bitch.");

j('h2').append(", Bitch.");

j('a').prepend("Like, ");

Project 3: Radical

j('li, h1, p').append(" on the blockchain");
j('span strong').prepend("Look, Bro ");
j('h2 a').append(", it was radical man");
j('.js-tweet-text-container p').append(" LET ME LIVE MY LIFE");

Project 3

j(‘a’).append(‘ and Alyssa’);


j(‘p’).prepend(‘ ok sooooo’);


j(‘a’).prepend(‘ the very best ‘);


j(‘li:contains(“President Trump”)’).prepend(“Fuck Face McGee”);

j(‘a:contains(“Trump”)’).prepend(” Fuck face McGee”);

3. Add

j('h2,').prepend('Kidz Bop presents ');
j('section.content.playlist span.tracklist-name').prepend('\"');
j('section.content.playlist span.tracklist-name').append('\", covered by Kidz Bop');
j('section.content.playlist span.artists-album.ellipsis-one-line').append(", ft. Kidz Bop");

j('article h2 a, div.item-list li div.views-field.views-field-title span.field-content a').append('...we think.');

j('div.fsl.fwb.fcb a').append(', Ph.D');

j('a').css('backgroundColor', 'white');
j('a').css('color', 'white');

Project 3 Add

j('div').css('border','0.1px solid red');

j('a:contains("Nazis")').prepend("(Content Warning)");

j('a:contains("ISIL")').prepend("(Content Warning)");

j('a:contains("Right")').prepend("(Content Warning)");

j('a:contains("violence")').prepend("(Content Warning)");


j('a').append('&lt;img class="db" src="<a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">"&gt;');

Project 3

replaced all privacy with tracking

messed with the line weight to make notifications unreadable

replaced all trump with BUTT! and all Trump’s with BUTT’S!

Project 3: Add Some Stuff

j('a').css('font-family','Comic Sans MS');
j('a').css('border','1px solid white');
j('a').append('  yo');

j('a:contains("sensei")').append(' for 100% losers');
j('a:contains("sensei")').css('background-color', 'red');
j('span:contains("Episode")').prepend('Nerd ');

j('a, product-link.js-product-link').css('font-family', 'comic sans');
j('a, product-link.js-product-link').prepend('Douchebag ');
j('h1').prepend('Extremely fucking skinny')
j('h1').css('border', '1px solid red');

j('h3:contains("GO")').append(' that nodody plays anymore');
j('span:contains("Trading")').prepend('Useless ');
j('span:contains("Games")').prepend('Amazing ');
j('span:contains("Pokédex")').append(' Of HELLA Pokemon');

Project 3

j('a').prepend('Apparently, ')

j(".headline").append(', says "What could go wrong?"')
j('a:contains("Fox News")').append(' runs on fear')
j('span:contains("Hot Topics")').prepend('Trump wears ')
j('span:contains("Hot Topics")').append(' new clothing line')

I kind of cheated on this one, but I was trying to find a way to change the button text and I couldn’t seem to do it with prepend

j('[name="btnK"]').val("Don't Google Search, It Hurts Me")
j('#gbqfbb').val("Google Roulette: I'm Feeling Lucky")
j('.sfibbbc').prepend(' please kill me ').css('font-size','26px').css('font-family','comic sans ms')

j('._58mv').append(' We reserve the right to change these terms at any time without notification and we will make opting out very very difficult.')
j('._58mt').append(" is a social construct ")

Project 3

j('.post_info_link:contains("You")').append(" (a really cool guy)");
j('.note_link_current').prepend("Holy shit there's ");
j('.username').prepend("WOW! ");

j('.js-stream-content-link').prepend("Oh FUCK: ");

j('.TweetTextSize').prepend("👀 ");
j('.TweetTextSize').append(" 😜🤣💩💩💩👌💯💩💩💩💩");
j('.FullNameGroup').prepend("😒 ");

j('.StationListItem__element').prepend("Panic! At the Disco is better but here's ");
j('.StationListItem__element').css('margin','50px, 0px');

Project 3:ADD

j('.currency-name-container').append(' HODL');
j('a:contains("Market")').prepend('Crashing ');

j('h2').prepend('As you should already know ');

j('a').prepend('Literally, ');
j('h2').append(' literally');
j('h3').append(' literally');

3: ADDicting


j('h2').append('ICTED to jQuery');
j('p:contains("existing")').prepend('If you really feel like it, you can do this project. Start by finding that super long jQuery code on my page. You should know where this is already. ');
j('p:contains("meaning")').append(' Try to find a meaning beyond "I just thought it would be fun".');
j('p:contains("permanent")').append("&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;You've got this.");

Click here to visit the page and try it yourself!


j('li:contains("stress")').append(' with contracted murder.');
j('li:contains("more")').append(' with kidnapping.');
j('li:contains("relationships")').append(' with your slaves.');
j('li:contains("marriage")').append(' with yourself.');
j('li:contains("happy")').append(' when they hate you.');
j('li:contains("better")').append(' brainwashing skills.');
j('li:contains("communication")').append(' during intercourse.');
j('li:contains("Dianetics")').append(' while aboard Freewinds.');
j('li:contains("Spiritual")').append(' without technology.');
j('li:contains("Program")').append(" (what we don't want you to know).");

Click here to visit the page and try it yourself!

You’ll need to click the “FIND OUT” button first.


j("p").prepend("As the prophecy foretold! ");
j("p:contains('@')").append(" But the real tragedy is the poor widdle babies who cry in their mama's wap. Boo hoo. Suck it up and grow a pair.");

Click here to visit the page and try it yourself!


j("a:contains('Aaron'), a:contains('Joseph')").prepend("Chief ");
j("a:contains('Aaron'), a:contains('Joseph')").append("wek");
j("a:contains('News')").prepend("Fake ");
j("a:contains('Top')").append(" According to Us");
j("a:contains('Showcase')").prepend("Slut ");
j("a:contains('Orange')").prepend("Fail ");
j("p:contains('By')").prepend("These Stories Were Made Up ");21

Click here to visit the page and try it yourself!

Project 3

j('a').prepend('Allegedly, ');

j('span').append(' According to Buzzfeed');
j('h2').append(' According To Buzzfeed');

j('a').append(' Up My Ass');

What am I doing? I am an adult!