Project 8 Proposal


I want to create an anonymous chat room using firebase. My purpose for using firebase has to do with the accessibility that firebase offers you when making applications on the web. When utilizing firebase, it is very easy to access webpages through your desktop, laptop, or mobile device. Originally I wanted to create some sort of iOS or Android application, but decided that it would result in me putting in too much time to code and not enough time to create a complete project that follows all the guidelines. My real drive for this project is to create a project with meaningful content that is always very easy to access to basically any person.

In basically every aspect of our lives in 2018 that involves media we always focus on our image and what people think of us. We create videos, images, and inquiries all day long in order to enhance situations and build a reputation for our identity. In my opinion, one thing that is lacked through this way of life is true conversation. That is why I want to make an anonymous chat room. When you open the page there will be a text box, a submit button, and a live feed of messages being sent. This will create a discussion that will have no previous biases or other factors that will effect the results. People often speak with a mask on when they know that there data can be shared, or looked at by anyone. The data that we give out in all the most popular media platforms builds up and creates a separate identity in it’s own. That’s why with TrueChat you can speak as you feel

Project 6

HTML Mashup 1

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class=”site”><iframe src= width=”600″ height=”300″></iframe></div>
<div class=”site”><iframe src= width=”600″ height=”300″></iframe></div>


HTML Mashup 2

<div class=”site”><iframe src= width=”600″ height=”300″></iframe></div>
<div class=”site”><iframe src= width=”600″ height=”300″></iframe></div>


Project 0– Instagram.. again

This week I’m writing about how I think Instagram constructs me as a user. Since the newer updates in the passed few months I get this notification very often.. almost every time I open the app. Instagram really wants me to turn on my notifications. I think that Instagram is trying to change the way the users consume the material. Instagram used to be a platform where you would upload cool images, it was a photography app. With that in mind, it was an application where you would check it every day or so at MOST and see what was new. Now with instagram it has turned into a platform for memes, eye candy, sports highlights, news, “public figures,” and other advertising or eye candy posts. So now that Instagram has succesfully incorporated most apps into one, they want you to check it very often. With notifications on, I would get alerts probably  once or twice an hour reminding me to go back on. And by putting the option to turn on my notications in my face whenever I open the app I am definitely more inclined to do it. Instagram wants me to check up on it all day.

project 0— Angry Birds 2

This week I’m blogging about the mobile game Angry Birds 2. The original Angry Birds was and is still is one of the best mobile games on the market. The objective of the game and the strategy was super fun to play with especially when the game is in your pocket at all times. Now since the release of the second one, the application is definitely trying to get something out of you when playing this game. The game itself has turned into a swarm of getting point, gems, black balls, feathers, and all this other pointless crap so that you can share it with your friends. There are leaderboard charts on basically every screen. Facebook must have invested in Angry Birds to some extent because the amount of in-game purchases and other charts on the interface is absolutely ridiculous. This game is definitely trying to real me into buying things and sharing the experience with my friends so that they do the same. It’s like these angry birds don’t want me to sit peacefully and play alone for no charge.

this pops up basically every time I open Angry Birds^^^^

When I downloaded the app this came up without me clicking anything

  1. remove comments from youtube
  2. all punctuation from NY times
  3. the prices on eBay items
  4. ads on youtube
  5. email address’s on gmail inbox
  6. all numbers on wikipedia page
  7. everything that has to do with feedback on amazon website
  8. all images from

Project 0

The media that I obsessed over this week was narwhal. Narwhal is an application on my iPhone that is a platform for reddit. The reason that I use this instead of the normal reddit app is because of the simplicity and easy access to every function that reddit offers. I may be bias because I hold the phone with my right hand, but the app is very user friendly for right handed people who just want one hand on there phone. Using my thumb I can scroll, up vote, down vote, save, and search without really reaching with my thumb or needing extra effort. For an app like reddit where it is basically just a sea of information to get lost into, it’s very key yo make the user experience very seamless. Even one extra button to click or poorly placed function can negatively effect how much time you put into your redditing. I find myself scrolling through reddit way more on my phone than the desktop interface and I believe it’s simply because of the interface of narwhal. Narwhal sucks you in and then when you realize you’ve been reading for a half hour you snap out of it and realize what you’ve been doing

Up vote

Just pull a smidge farther for down vote

Project 0: Media Obsession- DOOM

When playing doom I find myself more immersed than usual in a video game. I play the campaign mode, not the multiplayer so it’s just me playing. I often get bored of these types of games because the complicated story and such, but doom changed that for me. It is very fast paced with a lot of game, and basically no cut scenes. I feel that the reason that I get so into this game is because of the speed of it, all ur doing is running around at a very fast pace and killing monsters from hell… but it’s difficult and when there’s a lot going on it makes the experience more chaotic. In my opinion an entertaining gaming experience is something that throws a lot at you and really pulls you in with the diversity of the content. There’s different kind of enemies to kill and you have to mix up your strategy often. That keeps the game fresh and doesn’t get you bored of it.

Project 3

replaced all privacy with tracking

messed with the line weight to make notifications unreadable

replaced all trump with BUTT! and all Trump’s with BUTT’S!


j('h3:contains("arts")').css('background-color', 'cyan');
j('h2 span').css('border', '1px solid green');
j('.a-text-bold p').css('border','1px solid red');

Project 2 Tweak

 This image is a screenshot of an article on American Heart Association. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in america. Mainly caused by the mass consumption of animal products. Here is a completely contradictory article promoting chicken and fish instead of red meat becuase it has less cholesterol. I added in a few words to expose this system for making articles in order to generate revenue rather than find ways to cure.

On the bottom of the screen you can see that Amazon is being very honest today.

  The truth about iPhones update. They do a very good job making everybody feel like it is absolutely necessary to update your phone.

Facebook really really really wants you to care about your relationship with your friends THROUGH Facebook. They continuously bombard you with notifications and made up holidays to keep you on Facebook and connected with people. This one here is a time to celebrate friends. They made a whole video for me, even going back to my friends from middle school. I made the page look a little real instead of the BS that Facebook throws at you everyday

Project 0: Week 2

My obsession lately has been with Soundcloud. I generally use Spotify and Soundcloud for listening to music. And the reason I don’t switch over to one platform like Spotify is because the benefits of the interface. Soundcloud’s interface is very effective and displaying all types of music that you’d like on your feed. For example as you see in the screenshots, for each new song you like or share, it’ll show similar sound to that particular song. Apple Music,, Spotify, and Google Play do not have algorithms that specific. Also Soundcloud allows you to make account and upload your own sounds, and you can make playlists as well.

Project 1 : Gmail

For Project 1 I explored with gmail for the weekend. My plan for approaching this was to look around at all the controls and widgets that gmail offers. An average user of this application just checks there inbox, and sends emails for the most part. The intended audience is students and people in the workplace who rely on communication and file sharing. I use gmail every single day and I only use it for those few functions. So the first part that I decieded to look was the chat portion of gmail which they call Hangouts. I remember using AIM back in the day through AOL, but I’ve never used googles instant messaging. There are three main buttons for this call/text function and they are Hangout Contact, Hangout Conversations and Phone Calls.

This picture is of the chat window and it’s in the bottom left area of the desktop window on the gmail webpage. This means that Google definitely still demes this a useful part of the application considering its so prominent on the screen every time you log into gmail You can add contacts, set moods, chat, and call too. For my calls they were free, but for international calls there is a charge. When you click the call button, there is a dollar sign that pops up next to an american flag.

The hangouts dashboard is put together very nicely. It is clear to see the simple and clean look of the interface. There is not too many colors or smaller buttons like an average desktop application. It has the look of a mobile smartphone like an iPhone or Galaxy. After using all of the communication functions on gmail, it is clear to see that this application has everything to offer. The majority of people at this point in time use there smartphones for calling and messaging through a carrier but this is an easy alternative if you are using a computer. All my reactions to this part of gmail show that it is basically trying to have an app for every form of networking. Email is definitely still used for school and work pretty often. And googles attempt to intertwine all these different apps into gmail sure shows that they have somewhere to store everything for you. By clicking through that chats calls and contacts, Google will redirect you to different layouts to interact with such as Google Voice, Google Contacts, and the Hangouts app which is on iOS and Android as well. Google provides an easy way to communicate in any form. It’s funny because I honestly get confused because Google has so many different sub applications that all have similar interfaces.


Another function of gmail that I used was the gmail labs. These are little programs that will change how your gmail works for you. So in a sense your customizing certain functions, but the lab can be taken off gmail at any time because they are tests. I felt a little bit of freedom having this capability of using these tests. So I sent in feedback to google complaining that Auto-Advance doesn’t work so that it would get taken off labs.

Gmail allows you to have custom themes on your desktop. The background is filled with a pre downloaded theme, or an image of your choice. I took a screenshot of my page and set it as the theme. I repeated this 4-5 times, making it so that the final image was a montage of many buttons and messages. This causes a lot of confusion when navigating through the page because you kind of forget which button works and which is from the image. Under settings you can click the share your theme, and gmail will provide you with a link of your theme. I emailed my theme to 5 of my good friends with the pre written phrase that Google provides for you..


I’m using a custom theme in Gmail on the Web and I think you’ll like it too!

Check it out on your desktop or laptop.

I thought using the application for something it’s not meant for would be sort of funny. It’s clear to see that gmail is very easy to use and the reason for having the themes is to make it even easier and more tailored for the user. And by making one very confusing I thought that would disrupt the system of gmail. I didn’t say anything to the people I shared the theme with, I just send the one that gmail provided me with

Project 0

I find this interesting how facebook tries to make an emotional attachment with me. By showing me an older photo that I previously posted, facebook hopes for me to tie my connection from that memory into the post itself. On top of that, there are phrases like “we care about you and the memories you share” and “We thought you’d like to look back on this.” Facebook in a sense puts words in our mouth and reels you in. Obviously facebook doesn’t care about anything except using our info to make money. But instead of saying that up front, they use Your Facebook Memories to lie and make you feel happy and comfortable.

Google Chrome— Ava + Jordan

Google wants you to put in text

Wants you to revisit popular apps that you use

Google doesn’t want you to be anonymous

Seamless interface, very simple, wants to  be the best search engine

Did you mean to say? —- Suggesting that what you meant to say is what other people have already searched

Click the ads first

News about google

Wants to be the monopoly of app usage, internet searching, and devices in general (pixel, chromebook, google home)