Project 8: User

Chrome Download: Link

Video: LInk

// ==UserScript==
// @name User
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Remove names from popular sites and replace them with numbers
// @author M. K. Wall
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// @require
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> 'use strict';

var j;

function main() {

j = jQuery.noConflict();

<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> j('.fullname, .u-textInheritColor').each(function() { newNumber(this); });

ready('.fullname, .u-textInheritColor', function(n) { newNumber(n); });

<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> function newNumber(n){
<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> j( '.UserBadges, .username, .ProfileAvatar-image, .avatar, .js-action-profile-avatar, .Icon--verified, .ProfileCardMini-avatarImage, .ProfileCanopy-header, .u-bgUserColor, .Avatar, .Avatar--size48, .avatar--circular, .size24, .context ' ).remove();
<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> j( '.fullname, .u-textInheritColor, .QuoteTweet-fullname, .js-user-profile-link, .tweet-context, .twitter-atreply ' ).replaceWith( 'User' );



String.prototype.contains = function(it) { return this.indexOf(it) != -1; };


Project 3 and Project 5 responses

I recently asked some friends to look at my projects. First, since my biggest is my extension (Project 5), I asked my friends to try it out and see what they said.

My friend Jack thought it was interesting for a user to choose to use the extension, considering it was such a hassle to use. Why would anyone in their right mind download it for themselves and use it earnestly? It seemed more like a joke. He thought it accomplished what I had set out to do, which was to make users uncomfortable and point out what we find comforting in how websites look.

My friend Chrissy screamed. She had the reaction I expected, which was hatred. It made her angry. It disrupted the normal flow of websites and almost broke them for her. She wanted off the internet.

Project 3

Chrissy looked at my examples for this project and thought they were hilarious. The subtle changes were fun for her to find. The changes, like the addition of “Look, bro” to cnn made the news site seem more personal but at the same time less reliable. (She also became interested in learning about coding websites!)

Project 8: Ideas

  • Illuminati checker – check for the word triangle, Illuminati related things, possibly add triangle/illuminati related things
  • remove all user/names and replace them with random numbers on twitter, Facebook
  • replace gun with something silly, bubble, sandwich, pictures of spider man
  • (Possibly impossible at my skill level) add random items to your amazon cart with a random item button
  • setting up a prisoners’ dilemma with a database
  • replace foxnews articles with cnn articles, vice versa

Project 7: Ideas (to interact (again))

  • only happy/sad buttons, changes background,
  • happy/sad buttons, one gets the buttons, one gets the background color
  • only get a minute to post something, never ending story, another view of whole story
  • mad lib style, one writes and marks nouns/adjectives/verbs, other fills in verbs
  • can’t double text, can’t speak until spoken to
  • setting up prisoner’s dilemma
  • noise button, must press button along with other person to stop noise
  • background changes color depending on the amount of users on page
  • post things, not people on social media

Project 7: Ideas (to interact)

With Niky

  • Make everyone anonymous online, no one can actually identify you at all
  • Make everyone unable to be anonymous online, no way to hide who you really are
  • Social media fact checking all posts before they can be posted
  • Automatic spell/grammar check
  • Make profiles truly private, no information can be spread in screen shots
  • Make photos permanently delectable (i.e. revenge porn)
  • Only one post at a time, stop overload, top 10(?)
  • Only latest post, can’t go back
  • Choose to either be completely anon or transparent

Project 0: Facebook: Share to (8)

The first time I made a post in a while, I got this option. I never saw it again, I think I may have been sharing a video from a public group. At this point, I had already typed out my status as a status because I was planning on posting it to my personal page. I stared at this option page for a while, wonder how I post my normal status. What the hell is a “News Feed?” Why would I post this to my story? It’s a status! If I wanted to send it in messenger, I would have picked that option! Why is Facebook treating me like I’m a 67 year old on social media, holding my hand, giving me an extra safety net so I don’t post something where I don’t want it to be. I guess the video was something I would normally share over messenger, but why was this page made? Is it really an extra safety net or is it just another way Facebook wants you to share and “reach” more people? Like in Snapchat how people post something to their story but also send that same photo to specific people.

News Feed is the new wall I guess? Where did the phrase “status” go? I see that timeline is still being used but I feel that Facebook has started to change a lot of their terminology in the past few years.

Project 6: M*A*S*H

Video Mash Up 1: Today’s Country Music

Video Mash Up 2: Climate Change is a Hoax

Article Mash Up:

<style type="text/css">
      .site {<br />
        float:left;<br />
<p>      iframe {<br />
        float:left;<br />
        margin-bottom:30px;<br />
        height:800px;<br />
        width:750px;<br />
      }<br />
<div class="site">
      <!--<iframe src=""></iframe></div>
<div class="site">
      <!--<iframe src=""></iframe>--></div>

Website Mash Up: 

<style type="text/css">
      .site {<br />
        float:left;<br />
<p>      iframe {<br />
        float:left;<br />
        margin-bottom:30px;<br />
        height:800px;<br />
        width:750px;<br />
      }<br />
<div class="site"><iframe src="" width="300" height="150"></iframe></div>
<div class="site"><iframe src="" width="300" height="150"></iframe></div>

Project 5: Graphic Design is my Passion

Download Here

Download What’s the Point?

Based on the meme with the same name, I made a terrible extension. Not to be down on myself, it’s just pretty awful. I changed the font of every website to either be in comic sans or in papyrus. It’s random. I also picked five colors, green, red, blue, pink, and purple, for the text to be and that is also random. I struggled with what I wanted to do, mainly because I just wanted to do things that were to big from what we had learned. I changed my mind, made it smaller, made it bigger, struggled for hours on why functions that were perfect weren’t working, I just decided to make something that was just awful. Using the two most hated and joked about fonts and adding in some random colors, I wanted everyone to feel the “ughhhh” as I do when I accidentally remember some embarrassing memory from 7th grade. It also seems like a good prank idea.

Well here it is, the worst thing I’ve made since my sun in the corner of the page with sun glasses days.

Project 0: Facebook: Did You Know (7)

Facebook is constantly telling me my Facebook profile is incomplete. I hate it, the need to fill things out is real. They tell me I’ve had my profile for so long, telling me I should update shit. Leave me alone. Now there’s this. “Answer some questions to help friends get to know you” as if my “friends” didn’t know me well enough. It knows that people friend each other on Facebook while not being actual friends but is trying to make it more personal, so people can get to “know me better”, as if they give a shit about me and talking to me again outside of college. I took a picture during this one moment, but it actually went through a few different options, like favorite color or such, all with emojis because being a millennial means I use emojis all the time. I wonder if they give this option by age or if everyone gets this little pop up on their profiles. Is there some crusty Harvard professor answering the question, “A job I’d be terrible at… :P”? Or is it those in a certain age bracket? I’m glad they have this “Not Now” option, but it just means in a week or so, when I look at my profile again, it will bring this option up again. I don’t need to make my profile any more personal than it is. This isn’t MySpace and I’m not in middle school. Leave me be, Facebook.

Project 5: Ideas (to replace)

Replace upvotes with downvotes

Replace gun violence words from news sites with fluffier words

Replace Trump with Cheeto Man in Chief

Replace from names with random famous people in gmail

Replace subject line of emails with spam ish related stuff

Replace pictures of trump with dogs and cats or Putin shirtless on a horse

Replace all images on a site with memes

Replace news with conspiracy theories

Project 0: Facebook: This is a mistake (6)

This didn’t happen to me, but rather, to someone in a Facebook group as me (I asked for permission to use this photo). There’s so much to take in here, but my all time favorite is the “This is a mistake”. I wish I knew what happened when you clicked that but the wording of that is hilarious to me. OF COURSE it’s a mistake, why on Earth would I choose for them not to see my comment? It almost seem like he was blocked by the original poster but that wasn’t the case. Other people had the same problem in this group. Your only two options are to complain or to accept your fate with “OK”. The wording for the error is also interesting. “You can’t connect with this person”, keeping with Facebook’s “original” goal of connecting people. Rather than, “You can’t post a comment right now”, they have to connect it back to the original poster. “They won’t see your comment” when in the background, no one can see Jason’s comments because they aren’t even “sending”, as if this comment is being sent like a text message rather than being posted like a comment. I would expect that type of wording in the Facebook messenger app, not the normal Facebook app.


Project 4: What’s the Point?

// ==UserScript==
// @name         No Tweets, no statuses, no grams
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Hide the point of the websites
// @author       Maddie
// @match*
// @include      *://**
// @include
// @match*
// @match *://**
// @include *://**
// @exclude *://**
// @exclude *://**
// @exclude *://**
// @exclude *://**
// @include*
// @include*
// @grant        none
// @require
// @require
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {

var j;

function main() {

<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    j = jQuery.noConflict();

<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    j('.content').each(function() { hideElement(this); });
<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    j('p, span, img, ._4tvz').each(function() { hideElement(this); });
<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    j('._8n9ix').each(function() { hideElement(this); });

<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    ready('.content', function(e) { hideElement(e); });
<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    ready('p, span, img, ._4tvz', function(e) { hideElement(e); });
<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    ready(' ._8n9ix', function(e) { hideElement(e); });

<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    function hideElement(e) { j(e).hide(); }


String.prototype.contains = function(it) { return this.indexOf(it) != -1; };





Project 0: Facebook: No stories to show (5)

Option 2: Unlike most of my generation, I still hang on to Facebook, mainly for the million Facebook groups I’m in and for the messaging capabilities. I’m not sure how they have gotten me hooked on their messaging app but that’s another project 0 for another time. Sometimes the app doesn’t work right and I get an error message like this, as if I’m starting over again or their is no internet at all. It’s times like these I question what I’m doing with my life and why I depend on Facebook for so much entertainment. The screen is so simple, just gray and a little retry button. No “stories”. Stories? What a weird word to use. What about statuses? Articles? Posts? Why stories? There’s also something weird about retry, like I know this Facebook void has millions of these “stories” to show, I don’t need you to “retry”, I need you to do your damn job.

Tampermonkey Code

// ==UserScript==
// @name         IWSMT
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       Maddie
// @match*
// @grant        none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    var j = jQuery.noConflict();

Project 0: Wish (4)

Option 1 (ish): Wish is a wonderful, addicting shopping app that sells millions of products at ridiculously low prices. However, you don’t always get what you order. The pictures tend to be ripped from other other sites. You get what you pay for most of the time. While exploring the app, I’ve notices small things that I may have fallen for without noticing. Most items are “on sale” and show some percentage off. This seems amazing, especially when you can see the original prices. Although regular stores and sites use this method, Wish does something else. They have this “Almost Gone!” banner on some items. I see this banner come and go. You can also see the amount of people who have bought the item, which makes me believe that this is more of a tactic than a fact that it’s almost out. I “fell” for it, wanting to buy the item now rather than later, but noticed when I waited, the banner went away. That could be the app not functioning correctly. If it is a marketing tactic, then I’m not sure if it is the seller or the app Wish doing it. Some could be sold out or it could just be sellers abusing the system. Either way, I think it’s a great tactic for sellers. Seeing the number of sold items makes me think it’s a tactic but it could also be there is a limited amount of the item. The top item here is a hat that has sold quite well while the bottom image is of a drill bit that hasn’t sold many.

Project 4: Ideas (to remove)

Remove gun violence words from news sites

Remove all images from an image site

Remove articles related to olympics from news sites

Remove buzzwords from popular sites, “on the blockchain” “good guy with a gun” “psychopath” “mental illness”

Remove names/usernames from social media

Remove faces from facebook, tweets from twitter, searches from google

Remove any mention of political parties

Remove clickbait headlines from articles on facebook

Remove like/upvotes/etc

Remove object descriptions/titles from Wish

Here’s a thing: code

// ==UserScript==
// @name FIE
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author me
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';
var j = jQuery.noConflict();
j('h2:contains("Fencing")').css('color', 'yellow');
j('a').append(' \nFencing is dumb tho, so who knows.');
j('#panelTwo').prepend('Oh? ');

Project 3: Radical

j('li, h1, p').append(" on the blockchain");
j('span strong').prepend("Look, Bro ");
j('h2 a').append(", it was radical man");
j('.js-tweet-text-container p').append(" LET ME LIVE MY LIFE");

Project 0: Sephora Status: Insider (3)

Option 1: Sephora. How dare you. You think this is a game? My wallet is not a fan of this. I became a Sephora member recently and this has been on the emails and in the app I downloaded. I started treating this like a game unintentionally, like I want more points, gotta get more points. I want a better status. Are there even better statuses? I thought about this for days, when I get my next pay check, what I want to buy, how many points those items are worth, it’s just like a mobile game but with real money and a lot of real money because nothing is cheap there. Well played, Sephora, well played. The points do mean something, they get you items, generally trial sized stuff to get you to buy more. However, to get points, I don’t get to play a game for free, I have to pay with my hard earned money. I may be more likely to buy things I don’t need to get more points. I feel more attached and I’m more likely to go to Sephora for my beauty needs rather than any other story because I don’t want to miss out on points. A lot of stores do this now but I only really noticed it here. With something like Walgreens, I don’t care about it as much. I need to go there for medication and such, CVS is dead to me now, why go anywhere else? Sephora… I just have feelings. I avoided it, it’s useful, and the sales associates are very, very good at their job. I should be more careful.