
// ==UserScript==
// @name         JazScript
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        http://www.aljazeera.com/*
// @grant        none
// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    var j = jQuery.noConflict();
    j('a:contains("News")').prepend('Breaking News:');

Project 3 Add

j('div').css('border','0.1px solid red');

j('a:contains("Nazis")').prepend("(Content Warning)");

j('a:contains("ISIL")').prepend("(Content Warning)");

j('a:contains("Right")').prepend("(Content Warning)");

j('a:contains("violence")').prepend("(Content Warning)");


j('a').append('&lt;img class="db" src="<a href="https://i.imgur.com/etjgJ2D.jpg"><span style="font-weight: 400;">https://i.imgur.com/etjgJ2D.jpg</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">"&gt;');

Project 0

I found it interesting the thing Facebook prioritized to constantly show you in the side bar despite the amount you scroll. Many of these things are easy ways for you to get sucked into long activities through Facebook, such as chatting or games.

Project 1

I spend a lot of time on google, and surprisingly little time on Facebook. This trend is to the extent that if I started posting often on Facebook it would be noticed by my friends and family. I decided to exploit these two facts and to post everything I google over a four day period on Facebook.

This was initially met with jokes and usual forum type shit posting, as well as obvious confusion.

But after about a day it reached a critical level of either legitimacy or weekend boredom and became a sort of google alternative with real solutions being commented below posts.

Though this trend largely did not continue and the overall buzz surrounding these posts died out after the second day it revealed some interesting things about how framing things as questions in public forums such as these can mold the discourse that takes place in them. When I revealed the project to people they also found it very interesting on the privacy front as many of these google searches would have largely been considered private, despite the fact that our search histories are often sold out to advertisers.


Search Bar-

  • Can’t enter without any text. Waits for input. Provides input but wants you to either click a suggestion or finish what you were typing (shown in bold). Bar changes color when clicked which shows that it is responsive. Provides videos and ads when you provide a keyword.
  • Response is the results page. Gives how many results, the videos, relevance, as well as providing changes to the search like most recently uploaded instead of most relevant video. Helps narrow down search or show what you wanted to see.


  • Autoplays, starts in default view rather than theater or full screen. Default gives room for ads or information. If it’s a movie sold by youtube there is a button to purchase the movie. When you resize the window, the ad or the up next and results don’t get cut off until it’s so small only the video can fit on the screen. Video being watched is most important, recommended / ads are next rather than the comment section or creator’s descriptions. Color coded to highlight different things- sign in and subscribe = red, ads = yellow, likes and autoplay = blue.