Project 8 (my code)

Im Awake Are You Awake

.site {
iframe {
body {
position: sticky;


Second Set of Code:

Firebase location

body {
background-color: black;
color: black;
.dot {
background-color: red;
border-radius: 50%;
display: inline-block;
width: 70px;
height: 70px;
position: absolute;

var config = {
apiKey: “AIzaSyD0gBQqKpHEjzAU7Gw96OaxZ3PdmqOG5Bo”,
authDomain: “”,
databaseURL: “”,
projectId: “sing-for-you”,
storageBucket: “”,
messagingSenderId: “545356361457”

var j = jQuery.noConflict();

var db = firebase.database();

var dot = db.ref(“dot”);

var currentMousePos = { x: -1, y: -1 };

dot.on(‘value’,function(dataSnapshot) {
var rawData = dataSnapshot.val(); // “300,”100″
var xyData = rawData.split(‘,’);
var x = xyData[0];
var y = xyData[1];
x = x – 35;
y = y – 35;
var newDot = j(“

newDot.css(“left”, x+”px”);
newDot.css(“top”, y+”px”);
j(document).ready(function() {

j(document).click(function(e) {
var position = e.pageX+”,”+e.pageY;
dot.transaction(function() {
return position;


‘undefined’=== typeof _trfq || (window._trfq = []);’undefined’=== typeof _trfd && (window._trfd=[]),_trfd.push({‘tccl.baseHost’:’’}),_trfd.push({‘ap’:’cpsh’},{‘server’:’a2plcpnl0097′}) // Monitoring performance to make your website faster. If you want to opt-out, please contact web hosting support.

Project 4: Code

// jQuery on ‘j’ to avoid conflicts with page jQuery
var j;

// PUT YOUR CODE within main() below
function main() {

// setup jQuery on j to avoid any possible conflicts
j = jQuery.noConflict();

// outlines all existing <a> tags in red
// running .each() on a jQuery search executes the included function
// individually for each element it finds that matches the search
// (e.g. in this case, it runs the function redBorder() for each ‘a’
// tag). the parameter name ‘e’ refers to the found element
// j(‘a’).each(function() { redBorder(this); });

// this line sets up a continuous search for new elements on the
// page that might get inserted later. so, in this example, any
// HTML with an ‘a’ tag that gets inserted *after* the page loads
// will call redBorder() for each one in turn. this way you can
// catch and change anything that happens after the page load
// (e.g. a new news feed story on the Facebook newsfeed0
//ready(‘a’, function(e) { redBorder(e); });
ready(‘p’, myBackground);
//ready(‘p.byline’, myPfont);
ready(‘img’, hideImage);
ready(‘span’, hideCredit);
//ready(‘a’, hideTheKids);
ready(‘h2 a’, function(e) {
var text = j(e).text();
if(text.contains(“Xi”)) {

//j(‘h2 a:contains(“Xi”)’).css(‘background-color’,’black’);
//var xi = (‘h2:contains(Xi)’)

// this function could do anything with the results it receives
// ‘jnode’ refers to the jquery object the initial jQuery search
// found, so we refer to it and then continue on with familiar
// jQuery statements
function redBorder(e) {
j(e).css(‘border’,’1px solid red’);
function myBackground(e) {
function myPfont(e) {
function hideImage(e) {
function hideCredit(e) {
function hideTheKids(e) {

// run the main function

// utility functions we’ll use during the semester
// are below. for now it’s just another version of
// contains we can use to test string content

// cleaner syntax than match()
String.prototype.contains = function(it) { return this.indexOf(it) != -1; };

// close the opening invoked function

Ideas for Project 8

  1. Trolling Mitch…or trolling another friend using a similar mechanism we just built to function in an absurd way. May be advertised and many people enlisted to troll me throughout the day with a noise website.
  2. I’m very very excited to create a live feed of my bedroom and an image on a webpage which is just a black page with the red dot made available for other ppl to move around. Ideally the user would have a small screen in the corner showing my bedroom inside a larger window in which they get to move the red dot. The black page with red dot will be projected in my bedroom continuously so ppl can log on and move the dot around my room while I am in there or while I am not in there. I’m really excited about this!!!

SOUND FARTS COLOR project 7 kiss kiss

Firebase Counter Demo

button {
padding:30px 30px;
.target {
border:3px solid red;
padding:10px 10px;


body {
font-family: sans-serif;
color: red;
position: sticky;
background-image: url(;
background-position: center;


var config = {
apiKey: “AIzaSyD2g1372iZ3nvUSytcznmx0qEXmsG_5rAk”,
authDomain: “”,
databaseURL: “”,
projectId: “sounds-1baad”,
storageBucket: “”,
messagingSenderId: “894514338958”

var j = jQuery.noConflict();

var db = firebase.database();
var dbCount = db.ref(‘count’);
var userCount = db.ref(“userCount”);
var seenUserCount = 0;
var trueUserCount = false;

userCount.on(‘value’,function() {
if(seenUserCount > 3) trueUserCount = true;
console.log(“suc: “+seenUserCount);
console.log(“tuc: “+trueUserCount);

// on startup, grab the current value from ‘count’
// and stick it in the #count div using jQuery
dbCount.once(‘value’).then(function(dataSnapshot) {
var data = dataSnapshot.val();

// whenever ‘count’ gets changed (by someone else)
// this function receives the change and updates #count
dbCount.on(‘value’,function(dataSnapshot) {
var data = dataSnapshot.val();

// once document is loaded, assign click functions to
// +/- buttons that call changeVal()
//j(document).ready(function() {
// j(‘#plus’).click(function() { changeVal(1); });
//j(‘#minus’).click(function() { changeVal(-1); });
//function changeVal(value) {
//dbCount.transaction(function(current) {
// return parseInt(current) + value;
//var canvas = document.getElementById(“container”),
// context = canvas.getContext(“2d”);
//var randomColor = Math.floor(Math.randomColor);
//var primaryColorValues = (‘#3f51b5’, ‘#03a9f4’);
//var primaryColors = primaryColorValues(Math.floor(Math.random()));

//return Math.floor(Math.random());
//j(‘#target1’).click(synth1) });
//j(“container”).click(function() {

//j(“container”).click(function() {
//j(‘button’).each(function() {

var fart1 = db.ref(“fart1”);
var fart2 = db.ref(“fart2”);
var fart3 = db.ref(“fart3”);
var fart4 = db.ref(“fart4”);
var fart5 = db.ref(“fart5”);
var fart6 = db.ref(“fart6”);
var fart7 = db.ref(“fart7”);
var fart8 = db.ref(“fart8”);
var fart9 = db.ref(“fart9”);
var color1 = db.ref(“color1”);
var color2 = db.ref(“color2”);
var color3 = db.ref(“color3”);
var color4 = db.ref(“color4”);
var color5 = db.ref(“color5”);
var color6 = db.ref(“color6”);
var color7 = db.ref(“color7”);
var color8 = db.ref(“color8”);
var color9 = db.ref(“color9”);


function colorchange1(){
console.log(‘color changed’);
function colorchange2(){
console.log(‘color changed’);
function colorchange3(){
console.log(‘color changed’);
function colorchange4(){
console.log(‘color changed’);
function colorchange5(){
console.log(‘color changed’);
function colorchange6(){
console.log(‘color changed’);
function colorchange7(){
console.log(‘color changed’);
function colorchange8(){
console.log(‘color changed’);
function colorchange9(){
console.log(‘color changed’);

// function colorchange(){
// j(‘.target’).click(function(e) {
// j(this).css(‘background-color’,getPrimaryColor);
// });
// console.log(‘color changed’);
// }

var primaryColorValues = [‘#3f51b5’, ‘#03a9f4’, ‘#B0C4DE’, ‘#CD853F’, ‘#BC8F8F’, ‘#87CEEB’, ‘#8B008B’, ‘#F5F5DC’, ‘#B8860B’, ‘#BDB76B’, ‘#FFA500’, ‘#A9A9A9’];

var getPrimaryColor = function() {
return primaryColorValues[Math.round(Math.random() * (primaryColorValues.length – 1))];

// runs when the page is fully loaded
j(document).ready(function() {
j(‘#target1’).click(function() {
j(‘#target1’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target1’).click(function() {

j(‘#target2’).click(function() {
j(‘#target2’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target2’).click(function() {

j(‘#target3’).click(function() {
j(‘#target3’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target3’).click(function() {

j(‘#target4’).click(function() {
j(‘#target4’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target4’).click(function() {

j(‘#target5’).click(function() {
j(‘#target5’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target5’).click(function() {

j(‘#target6’).click(function() {
j(‘#target6’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target6’).click(function() {

j(‘#target7’).click(function() {
j(‘#target7’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target7’).click(function() {

j(‘#target8’).click(function() {
j(‘#target8’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target8’).click(function() {

j(‘#target9’).click(function() {
j(‘#target9’).click(function(e) {
j(‘#target9’).click(function() {

userCount.transaction(function(current) {
return current+1;

if(trueUserCount == true)j(‘.target’).off(‘click’);
console.log(“kicked off”);


var primaryColorValues = [‘#3f51b5’, ‘#03a9f4’, ‘#B0C4DE’, ‘#CD853F’, ‘#BC8F8F’, ‘#87CEEB’, ‘#8B008B’, ‘#F5F5DC’, ‘#B8860B’, ‘#BDB76B’, ‘#FFA500’, ‘#A9A9A9’];

var getPrimaryColor = function() {
return primaryColorValues[Math.round(Math.random() * (primaryColorValues.length – 1))];
//var myPrimaryColor = getPrimaryColor();
//‘background-color’ , myPrimaryColor)
//j(‘#target1’).click(function(e) {
//j(‘button’).each(function() {
// j(this).css(‘background-color’, primaryColorValues[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)]);
//j(‘button’).click(function(‘color’, primaryColorValues));

function synth1(){
// console.log(“here”);
// if(seenUserCount == true) return;
// else { console.log(“play sound”); }
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(60, “4m”);
function synth2(){
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(80, “4m”);
function synth3(){
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(110, “4m”);
function synth4(){
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(140, “4m”);
function synth5(){
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(180, “4m”);
function synth6(){
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(230, “4m”);
function synth7(){
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(290, “4m”);
function synth8(){
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(360, “4m”);
function synth9(){
var osc = new Tone.FMSynth({
“harmonicity” : 1.17,
“modulationIndex” : 10,
“oscillator” : {
“type” : “square”
“envelope” : {
“attack” : 2,
“decay” : .9,
“modulation” : {
“type” : “square”
“modulationEnvelope” : {
“attack” : 0.1,
“decay” : 0.02,

osc.triggerAttackRelease(440, “4m”);

j(document).ready(function() {

Observe A Collection of My Information

As many people know, online surveys for pay are mostly scam operations. Labor and consumer information for very little to no compensation. They do not make you money. I repeat! No Money!!!

So I was thrown by the grossness of being served this lovely advert on youtube while watching a vice documentary:

Vice voices is a survey service you can sign up for and “earn rewards.” So I registered to see if this waste of time led to any different content. The short answer is that it did not. The only way I could be offered more surveys was if I lied about my income and claimed I owned a boat and tennis rackets. These surveys quickly turned into consumer bullshit again.

Though the initial vice survey did ask me for my opinions on different vice content channels. I was able to ask “why are all your journalists hot?” and comment: “I don’t need them to be hot! I just want vetted content.”

This is where things get gross again: Vice is a corporate entity. All corporations are about growing profits first even if they produce news content. The secondary company hosting the surveys was: 

Apparently this large private company has a lot of bad reviews for paying out it’s promised rewards:

Also I thought this was a beautiful article with the “Vice Voices” survey program advertised on the same page. With everything we’ve learned from Cambridge Analytica, surveys feel like a pretty dated and legal way to get consumer information. I would love to read more statistics on this subject but I have not found a lot of long form journalism on the subject.

Ideas for Project 7

Mitch has expressed interest in click generated or possibly hovering generated tones. For this I know we need to create a tone library. While we are figuring this out, I’m brainstorming ideas as to how this can be blended into something poetic or silly:

  1. holding down the mouse or even just hovering in a blank color field would cause a note to play and the note would only play if the person on the other end were also holding down their mouse or hovering in the same area. There would be a small text line or some color shift which would indicate when another person is present.
  2. The tones in this first concept could be randomly spaced throughout the page leading the participants to be able to play a song should they work out the invisible scale (could this be done using invisible divs as buttons)?
  3. Could tones be associated with key strokes? or even random sounds or random words? Could you find your way around a new language to try to communicate with another participant? Random questions could pop up on the screen for you to ask each other (envisioning Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra type language).
  4. Can this be site specific? If so, I’d love to take the FBI surveillance state to the level of wildlife monitoring. The camera would always be on but you’d need to turn on a spotlight at night.
  5. The button could also turn on my big read dot spotlight and project it onto my room. It could be in my kitchen or bedroom. If the spotlight comes on, I can’t leave the room but I have to stay in the room with it but I don’t have to let it hit me. I’m gonna do this possibly for my final now that I am writing this out.
  6. The buttons could go between Mitchell’s and my room and play a terrible song in each other’s room whenever we want it to. This idea might be my favorite collaborative idea.

Observe: Small Community

This is someone else’s story but I think its an important one to share:

My friend “J” no longer lives in a town recently visited by a white supremacist rally. He posted from another facebook page a Nazi Watch image which was being distributed at a  university. In his sharing this image the image was intern shared more times than the number of friends he has and it caught the attention of some of the ppl in the image. His facebook page obviously turned into a long screed of arguing between people.

I was struck most by the number of shares of an image exceeding the number of friends he currently has. I was also shocked by his shock. The result was him having some non-violent discussions via private message with some of the ppl on the flyer…mostly pertaining to their denial of being racist or denial of Nazism.

He has also now ended up with his own image on a crudely pasted into an Antifa Watch flyer.

The internet has created a space in which Antifa and Nazi’s are having continuous back and forth. I can’t tell how thankful I am for a platform for discussion but doubtful as to the productivity. The internet seems to have brought some people of diverse backgrounds close and some people with seemingly identical backgrounds closer. The posting of someone else’s picture does read like a hit list. Police departments fabricate similar flyers and private security companies create them with beautiful avatars: The Intercept

Identity listings like these are meant to keep many of these ppl away through social pressure and intimidation. At this point these seem to mostly create an interesting back and forth between Antifa and Nazi’s. In the defense of such images, groups like Antifa are functioning as a loud watch dog against the fascism which escaped many white liberal’s attentions until the election. I have no idea how to do any of this antifascism work any better at this point.

Some of these individuals I can vet myself but I can not vet that all of them are Nazi’s. This is where trusting your source as an activist and internet user gets pretty hairy. At the end of the day. I am thankful for free speech and hope that people know that the desired result of working towards a better world means maintaining the entire bill of rights. 

Observe: CNN on the phone with Students

Over the spring break, I was in Maryland for the school shooing St. Mary’s county. I was alerted to this shooting by a news notice in the live section of YouTube. The video I first watched was a CNN live interview with a student currently inside the school on lockdown. They were on the phone for a few minutes and then the voices of the police came in over the phone. The student said he had to get off the phone bc the officers were about to escort them out of the school.

The media construction of what I was witnessing was not new to me. News television outlets have always scrambled to get victims statements even while an incident is unfolding. The layers through which I was receiving this experience shocked me.

The live news report was being funneled to me via a phone carrier, via CNN, via Youtube, via my iphone. There triangulation getting this information to me was an uncomfortable collaboration of many different corporations. The formulation of this moment is breathtaking. This collaboration has created incredible technological innovations…but in this circumstance being brought to my phone was a voyeuristic window of someone else’s fear. This was a very short clip amongst my other garbage entertainment clips on youtube. It’s not just the internet’s fault that we don’t know how to tell the difference between real news and fiction…News and fiction have been commingling in television entertainment since the 60’s.

I don’t blame the mediums themselves but I very much blame large companies for this confusion of news and entertainment, serious subjects and spurious subjects.

Also facebook seems to know how pissed I am. I wonder what the programers are thinking right now? Do they feel like they’ve been doing the right thing? That they are not to blame? Does each person operate a piece so small that they feel no responsibility nor ability to regulate anything from within?

Big Crunch Code

var j;
j = jQuery.noConflict();

ready(‘body *’, myShrink);
ready(‘body’, bodyExpand);

function myShrink(e) {
setTimeout(delayedFunction, 3000, e);
function delayedFunction(e) {
‘padding-top’ : 0,
‘padding-right’ : 0,
‘padding-left’ : 0,
‘padding-bottom’ : 0,
‘margin-left’ : 0,
‘margin-right’ : 0,
‘margin-bottom’ : 0,
‘margin-top’ : 0,
‘width’ : 0,
‘height’ : 0
}, 900000);

function bodyExpand(e) {
‘padding’ : ‘70%’,
‘margin-left’: ’40’
}, 900000);

Project 5: Big Crunch

Update: I updated my extension with a decent quality Youtube video, better than the video uploaded below.

Here is the link to my extension. I’m still so in love with it I just want to figure out how to take it further:


The Video of Big Crunch in Action is below:

Big Crunch Video

There are many theories as to how the universe will “end.” If you find yourself feeling disconnected from material reality and overwhelmed by stress, then this is the extension for you. Reconnect with matter by remembering from whence we all came and to whence we will all be going. Go about your daily life with a reminder to value letters and images as they will not always matter to matter 🙂 It all goes back to a Big Crunch.

Observe: The disturbing nature of my complacency

It was during the first few days of protest that I joked the best way to get my complacent peers to picket was to convince them it would create great numbers on their fit bit. Multitasking at its finest right? It wasn’t until the 4th day of strike that I realized I my own phone was roughly tracking my steps when it was on my body. 

At first I felt a terrible pride in the numbers. They were my numerical evidence of my labor. I had not sought these numbers out but here they were! ready for me to enjoy and bask in. But I did feel gross. I felt myself reducing my work to the numbers and felt I was playing the capital production game of which i’m always trying to work away from. I was enjoying it.

Furthermore: I had never used this app before. I had no idea that it was enabled. when I first turned it on I did not give it access to my location: but it is still tracking movement of some kind even though it is not a GPS related tracking system. Is this data safe within this app? is it just on my phone or is it in a cloud of data without my knowledge. I was further disturbed by this when I realized that I don’t know what half the apps on my phone do. I am currently in the process of evaluating what is useful and what I feel violates my consent bc I had no knowledge of it’s functioning.

Project 5 Ideas

  1. slowly fade out some spacing divs so the text and images slowly float around the page and overlay each-other…what will be added will be some kind of code that allows elements to overlay each other to the point of burying and constriction…I wonder how small I could shrink everything. Like all images and text at one point.
  2. an extension that replaces local location names with indigenous ones. Would be created for the news but also would adapt well to any websites about military history
  3. replacing hate speech with real feelings, I statements, and non-violent expressions of interpersonal conflict
  4. removing all videos of news and livestreams on Youtube and replacing it with live video feed from my ant farm
  5. I STILL WANT TO ALTER MAPS!!! Want to create my own jpegs of the US with migration patterns of animals (history and contemporary)
  6. replacing everyone’s name in the news with the phrase: “somebody’s child”
  7. Adding audio sounds to websites of industrial processes that keep the grid functioning: sound of fossil fuel extraction, sound of cooling water flowing in pipes, sound of workers talking, sound of google workers talking, sound of security guards at work at the servers.
  8. Replace all the food on different food order websites with the words “some food”

Observe: The poetic language of panic

I have been humbled by the New York Times this week and humbled by the fact that I should’ve started project number 4 last Monday with in-class time. I have hit a number of stupid road blocks coming from the invisible structure “spaces”. I was struck multiple times this weekend by the language of errors helping me find my way back to semicolons. I was also puzzled by the density of the alerts. In my poor coding, with one keystroke had I misplaced a 9 semicolons or is tampermonkey designed to scream at me when the mistake could cause failure of the who system. I’m interested in learning how these tools themselves were developed and how they were designed to interact with the rest of the web. I am also thankful for the alert structure and would like to use this for a future project dealing with news articles and acts of neoliberalism. or even google searches that benefit neo-liberal economic model companies. Lastly: how does the language of coding translate to other languages? How were these nouns selected?

More Ideas for Project 4

I had the fantastic idea of editing pages of hate speech into text of brotherly love.

  1. I started out on the Reddit Men’s rights forums. But the structures of the pages were not as appealing as I thought they would be. Also I was not motivated to alter much of the writing as it stuck me as earnest questioning mixed in with some seriously misguided anger.
  2. Editing fear mongering news on Fox News
  3. Editing hate speech on hate speech sites (decided not to give any of these my webtraffic.
  4. Censoring the news
  5. removing power structures in the news
  6. removing gender indicators from the news.

O: Google Image Freak Out

Google removed the view image button over the weekend and I didn’t notice until I was searching for fine art by professional photographers for my drawing class. The removal of the button is related to a potential lawsuit that was being discussed by Getty images over the view image button. The button removed the viewer from the internet source and allowed the viewer to download the image with no labor or information. Many are complaining and a chrome extension puts the button back for mobile users.

Below is my excavation of a photo from google search down through Pinterest to its source at which I still could not find an artists name.


var j = jQuery.noConflict();

<%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%>    j('.headertitle').fadeOut(3000);


j('a:contains("Virtual Permit Reminder")').text('EAT BUTTS');
j('span').prepend('EAT OUR SHORTS');
