Project 8 Code

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Firebase Counter Demo</title>

    body {
        font-family:"Open Sans";
  .background img{
  #container {

  .snowball img{
  transform: rotate(90deg);

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>



  var j = jQuery.noConflict();

  var config = {
    apiKey: "AIzaSyA4V-hTAdF4HxJnwDZ_I_o_hVHFYnK8hA4",
    authDomain: "",
    databaseURL: "",
    projectId: "fir-7691f",
    storageBucket: "",
    messagingSenderId: "426083234669"


  var db = firebase.database();
  var mydir = db.ref("dir");
  var imgsize = db.ref("size");
  var dbCount = db.ref('count');
  var height = db.ref("height");
  var width = db.ref("width");
  var rotation = db.ref("rotation");

  height.transaction(function(current) {
    if(current < 100){
    return current = 100;
 var myVar = setInterval(function(){ setColor2() }, 5000);

 function setColor2() {
   width.transaction(function(current) {
     if(current < 110){
       return current = 100
     if(current > 300){
       return current -40;
     if(current > 500){
       return current -80;
     if(current > 700){
       return current -150;
     if(current > 900){
       return current -250;
     if(current > 1100){
       return current -450;
     return current -10;


  var myVar = setInterval(function(){ setColor() }, 5000);

  function setColor() {
    height.transaction(function(current) {
      if(current < 110){
        return current = 100
      if(current > 300){
        return current -40;
      if(current > 500){
        return current -80;
      if(current > 700){
        return current -150;
      if(current > 900){
        return current -250;
      if(current > 1100){
        return current -450;
      return current -10;


  height.on('value',function(dataSnapshot) {
    var newHeight = dataSnapshot.val();
    j('.snowball img').css("height", parseInt(newHeight)+"px");

  width.on('value',function(dataSnapshot) {
    var newWidth = dataSnapshot.val();
    j('.snowball img').css("width", parseInt(newWidth)+"px");
  rotation.on('value',function(dataSnapshot) {
    var newRotation = dataSnapshot.val();
    j('.snowball img').css("transform", parseInt(newRotation)+"deg");

  j(document).ready(function() {

    j(document).keyup(function(e) {

      if(e.keyCode == 39) {
        height.transaction(function(current) {
          return current + 1;
      // if(e.keyCode == 39) {
       // myFunction();
        // }
      if(e.keyCode == 39) {
        width.transaction(function(current) {
          return current + 1;

     width.transaction(function(current) {
       if(current < 100){
       return current = 100;


    // function myTimer(){
    //   var d = new Date();
    //   var t = d.toLocaleTimeString();
    //   document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = t;
    // }


 // });
// });
  //  }
  //        }

  <div id="container">
    <div class="snowball">
    <img src="" alt = "snowball" height="200px" width="200px">
    <div id =  "background">
      <img src="" alt = "background" height="1000px" width="1000px">
    <div id = "picture"></div>
    <div id = "timer"></div>



Project 5: REPLACE Luvdit

I thought it would be funny if there wasn’t a top post on reddit and that everyone’s post had a million upvotes. A number a lot of us use to seek validation of the quality of the post that is now equal to everyone’s post. And you won’t feel so bad about uploading something and it not getting any upvotes anymore.


So I decided that even though I did not have social media, I could abuse the account of my girlfriend! I decided that my favorite emoji is the cute little angry reacts guy. I’ve seen angry reacts only memes, so I wanted to see what would actually happen if I did angry reacts everything. I also made a series of posts about it just to see what people would think. After the initial post the following day I made it so I posted a couple meme related things to see how people would react. People seem to follow a trend of thinking it was funny and slowly becoming concerned or people becoming concerned right away. I thought it was interesting that even though I tried to make it obvious that it was satirical or jokingly people still were concerned with just a simple reaction. I got some pretty funny responses from people that I posted below.

This picture was a response from my girlfriend’s uncle so she wouldn’t let me angry reacts only this out of concern that he would be worried.

This is from her best friend.

Project 8 Proposal

I want to see if I can use the tools of project 7 to finally develop the idea of the collective rolling snowball. I want to use the database to track arrow movements and increasing and decreasing values to adjust the size of a rolling snowball that collectively gets bigger with more participation.

Observe 8

Facebook won’t leave me alone, I made a facebook strictly because my work required it in case of shift covers or communicating with my bosses. I have since left the job, yet facebook still thinks that I require a photo even after it being inactive for more than a year. I have even deactivated the account, yet the emails still keep coming. Facebook just wants my information regardless and I am not inclined to give it to them. I just want it to stop as they have done it sporadically throughout, but consistently every month.






I play a lot of hearthstone, and whenever they announce the release of a new expansion the always advertise the ability to pre purchase packs, not even at a reduced cost. It just amazes me that although I couldn’t capture it in a still screenshot, it is the only thing animated on the page is that little present next to the pre-purchase now button jiggles a bit, a ploy obviously used to try and capture your eye movement. I think it’s hilarious that people buy into paying for something they don’t even know anything about yet, but they obviously are targeting bandwagoners and people who are willing to sink in a cost with just a sliver of knowledge of what they’re getting.

Replace Ideas

Replace every image on News websites with shutterstock generic images.

Replace all images on amazon with the same image for the category you look for (same camera picture for every camera)

Replace all eBay pictures with the same image for the category you look for

Replace all News images with shutter stock images of the word “Happy”

Replace all pictures on CNN with the Republican elephant

Replace all pictures on Fox News with the democratic donkey

Replace all social media extension pictures with warning symbols

Replace all reddit pictures with the Snoo


Twitter on my phone doesn’t allow me to browse further into someone’s posts until I sign up for an account. I always thought that this was counter intuitive for platforms to use social media as a way of announcing things to the public. It tries to force me to join them in probably the most in your face way that always made me steer clear of using twitter, just because the sentiment was so stupid.

Erase Ideas

  1. Remove youtube video titles
  2. Remove youtube video thumbnails
  3. Remove Amazon review stars
  4. Remove seller rating on eBay
  5. Remove seller location on eBay
  6. Remove subreddit names
  7. Remove reddit upvotes
  8. Remove titles on buzzfeed articles


Project 0: 3

Reddit loves to advertise it’s app to me all the time. When I enter it, it always asks me if I am “sure I want to” and “the app is 50% faster”. I choose not to have the app to avoid clutter, but it always chooses to almost shame me into using it., they also say that I “Deserve the best” almost ironically insulting their mobile web browser version in the process.

The worst part of it all is the huge “Continue” button, you’d think that it meant continue onto the website, but no, it’s to open the App Store, and the small light grey text underneath is the real way to get to the website. It’s so annoying how many times I either reflexively press continue or accidentally hit it with my child bearing hips I call thumbs. I’m just waiting for the moment where they don’t even let you go onto the website without the app.

ADD: Project 3

#God Wears Grey

 j('p:contains("Benjamin")').append(' Grosser also wears only Grey, other colors are for losers. (not an opinion just a fact), If you dont wear grey, you probably ride the bus'); 

 j('a:contains("tags")').append('Must be related to Grey, if not no dice buddy'); 
 j('p').append('And not to mention those slick sweet gray shirts, if he wasnt wearing them I his credibility would go down the drain'); 


 j('a:contains("Bio")').append(' and his struggle to find the right shade of gray'); 
 j('p:contains("Media")').append(' and Gray and those sweet sexy sandals.'); 
 j('a:contains("Email")').append(' about his wonderful Gray shirts'); 
 j('a:contains("Personal")').append(' The shirt in this picture may seem black to you, but black is just a shade of Gray and if you think hard enough gray and black are the same color'); 

Project 0: 2

I got this immediately after putting in my email to sign up for reddit. I haven’t even made a username or password, but reddit already assumes that I won’t back out of the sign up and asks what I am interested in. It looks like they are trying to tangle me into reddit even before the process, adding that layer of “well I already did the optimization, might as well follow through” mindset. It subscribed me to 5 subreddits (none of which I browsed beforehand), but labeled it as “Just for you” I don’t know how they could reach the conclusion that is just for me when I have left zero digital footprints to indicate that I was interested in these subreddits. It makes me curious on how they pull these together and if it is consistent with everybody.

Project 0

I use reddit far more than I should, it is definitely a website where you could keep digging and digging and you’ll always be right at the surface with all the new content that comes out everyday. I noticed that many thumbnails that involve screenshots or photos that can be previewed are almost always useless. They never really help give you more insight on the post and instead adds more to the mystery that makes you click on the post or at least the bigger preview button, reddit wants you to give each post that you’re interested more time or baits you into being more interested in a post. It allows you to feel like you’re just casually surfing, but you end up exploring a lot more posts and subreddits that you’d care to admit.