8: meBot [code]

//funtions used (in order):
//searchIt (searches for a term among recent tweets)
//randomTweetGenerator (includes r value and number output)
//followedMe (mentions people who follow, random intervals)
//mentionsMe (replies when someone @iamlittleprick)

console.log('meBot is working today');

var Twit = require('twit');
var config = require('./config');
var T = new Twit(config);

//begin searchIt funtion
setInterval(searchIt, 1000*60*60);

function searchIt(){
  var searches = {
    q: 'new media art',
    count: 1,
    lang: 'en'
  // dev.twitter.com and get search/statuses

  T.get('search/tweets', searches, getSearches);

  function getSearches(err, data, response){
    var tweets = data.statuses;
    if (tweets != undefined) {
      for (var i = 0; i < tweets.length; i++){
      console.log("HERE'S WHAT THEY RECENTLY SAID ABOUT NEW MEDIA ART: " + tweets[i].text);
//end searchIt function

//THIS ONE tweets randomly, with a random number
//begin randomTweetGenerator function
// randomTweetGenerator();
// var r2 = Math.floor(Math.random()*5;
// setInterval(randomTweetGenerator, 1000*60); //how often to tweet
//1000ms=1sec *60=1min *60=1hr

var rr = Math.floor(Math.random()*(53));
setInterval(randomTweetGenerator, 1000*60*rr);

function randomTweetGenerator(){

  var begin = [
  "i've been thinking about getting",
  "i'd really like",
  "thinking about",
  "lusting over"

  var noun = [
    "balls of yarn",

  var end = [
    "in the near future.",
    "right now.",
    "with a friend.",
    "for you.",
    "for myself. #treatYoSelf"

 var codingHashtags = [

  var nostalgicHashtags = [

  var boredHashtags = [

  begin1 = begin[Math.floor(Math.random()*begin.length)];
  noun1 = noun[Math.floor(Math.random()*noun.length)];
  end1 = end[Math.floor(Math.random()*end.length)];

  codingHashtags1 = codingHashtags[Math.floor(Math.random()*codingHashtags.length)];
  nostalgicHashtags1 = nostalgicHashtags[Math.floor(Math.random()*nostalgicHashtags.length)];
  boredHashtags1 = boredHashtags[Math.floor(Math.random()*boredHashtags.length)];

  var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*50) + 2;

  var myRandomTweet = [
    "i've thought about you " + r + " times since my last tweet. " + nostalgicHashtags1,
    "i've been coding a lot lately, and i'm currently averaging " + r + " EPH (expletives per hour). " + codingHashtags1,
    "i've wanted to go outside " + r + " times since my last tweet. alas, i sit under the fluorescents. " + codingHashtags1,
    begin1 + " " + r + " " + noun1 + " " + end1,
    begin1 + " " + noun1,
    "every once in a while i ask this question, and it's just to get to know you all a little better. here's the question: how did you stumble upon my account? #hideandseek",
    "what should i do tomorrow? " + boredHashtags1,
    "what should i do today? " + boredHashtags1,
    "what should i do this weekend? " + boredHashtags1,
    "hi :)"

  myRandomTweet1 = myRandomTweet[Math.floor(Math.random()*myRandomTweet.length)];

  console.log("....... randomTweetGenerator started");

    var replyTweet = {
      status: myRandomTweet1

    T.post('statuses/update', replyTweet, replyTweeted);

    function replyTweeted(err, data, response){
      if (err){
      console.log("oh, nos... error on randomTweetGenerator tweet");
      console.log("....... randomTweetGenerator posted " + myRandomTweet1);
} //end of randomTweetGenerator function

//THIS FUNCTION is anytime someone follows me
//begin followedMe function

var streamFollow = T.stream('user');

streamFollow.on('follow', followedMe);

function followedMe(eventMsg){
  var name = eventMsg.source.name;
  var screenName = eventMsg.source.screen_name;
  var followedReply = [
    "how are you?",
    "what are you up to?",
    "what's up?",
    "thanks for the follow!",
    "thanks for the follow!!",
    "thanks for the follow! :)",
    "where are you from?",
    "what brings you around these parts?",
    "how did you stumble upon my account?",
    "what do you like to do for fun?",
    ":) :) :)",
    "thanks for following me :)",
    "thanks for following :)",
    "thanks for the follow",
    "followed me! yay! :)"

  var followedReplyBegin = [
    "hi ",
    "hi! ",
    "hi, ",
    "hey, it's ",
    "well, hello there ",
    "look who we have here :) "


  var followedReply1 = followedReply[Math.floor(Math.random()*followedReply.length)];
  var followedReplyBegin1 = followedReplyBegin[Math.floor(Math.random()*followedReplyBegin.length)];

  console.log("....... followedMe // i've been followed by " + screenName);
  // tweetBack("hi @" + screenName + " " + reply1);

  function delayedTweetBack(s) {

  var tweetString = followedReplyBegin1 + "@" + screenName + " " + followedReply1;

  var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*37);

  setTimeout(delayedTweetBack, (1000*60*r), tweetString);

  function tweetBack(txt){

    var replyTweet = {
    status: txt

  T.post('statuses/update', replyTweet, replyTweeted);

    function replyTweeted(err, data, response){
      if (err){
        console.log("followedMe FAILED");
        console.log("followedMe // " + tweetString);
} //end of followed funtion

//THIS FUNTION IS: thanks for the mention
//begin mentionsMe

var streamMentions = T.stream('user');

streamMentions.on('tweet', mentionsMe);

function mentionsMe(eventMsg){
  // var fs = require('fs');
  // var json = JSON.stringify(eventMsg,null,2);
  // fs.writeFile("tweet.json", json);

  var replyto = eventMsg.in_reply_to_screen_name;
  var text = eventMsg.text;
  var from = eventMsg.user.screen_name;

  var reply = [
    "so....what are you up to?",
    "nice :)",
    "not today..",
    "i think so",
    "i see..",
    "what do you think?",
    "yeah, same here",
    "only on wednesdays lol",
    "well, well, well...",
    "according to the prophecy",
    "of course",
    "i'm sorry",
    "oh, really??",
    "i'm not so sure",
    "what are your thoughts?"

  var reply1 = reply[Math.floor(Math.random()*reply.length)];

  if (replyto === 'iamlittleprick'){
    console.log(from + " says: " + text);

    function delayedTweetBack(s) {

    var tweetString = "@" + from + " " + reply1;

    var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*23);

    setTimeout(delayedTweetBack, (1000*60*r), tweetString);

    function tweetBack(txt){

      var replyTweet = {
      status: txt

  T.post('statuses/update', replyTweet, replyTweeted);

    function replyTweeted(err, data, response){
      if (err){
        console.log("mentionsMe FAILED");
        console.log("....... yay!! mentionsMe works");
} //end of mentionsMe function

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